Līgo essentials
Līgo is the most Latvian holiday of all. The celebration of summer solstice. For a couple of these days, Latvians all over the country are participating in a festival, just like their ancestors did in the past.The holiday is always accompanied by a number of traditions and national cuisine. Here are some special facts:
⁃ this is a holiday of unity with nature, when all the people go out of town, weave oak wreaths and collect medicinal herbs. (it is believed that herbs have magical properties only on these two days. after the holidays their properties end)
⁃ on the night of June 23-24, it is customary to jump over the fire. it is believed that it relieves people of their burdens and fills them with the power of fire
⁃ it is important to wait until dawn and wash your face in the morning dew. (this will provide well-being for the coming year) or have a skinny dipping (which is believed as a spiritual practise)
⁃ on Jāņi’s night, beloved ones look for the fern flower and float wreaths on the river
Here I tried to visualize several of these traditions in some medieval miniatures🌞🌳